What Are Spider Veins?
Capillary veins which are easily evident through the skin, and generally appear as tiny webs of red, blue or purple lines. Spider veins can become quite noticeable when they accumulate in sufficient number. Because of their small size and superficial location, spider veins rarely account for any symptoms in the legs.
Spider veins occur independent of varicose veins and vice versa. Patients with severe varicose veins many not have any spider veins. People with terrible spider veins may have not one varicose vein.
Causes of Spider Veins
- Heredity
- Occupations that involve a lot of standing, such as nurses, hair stylists, teachers, and factory workers
- Obesity
- Hormonal influences of pregnancy, puberty, and menopause
- The use of birth control pill
- Postmenopausal hormonal replacement
- A history of blood clots
- Conditions that cause increased pressure in the adbomen, such as tumors, constipation, and externally worn garments like girdles.
Symptoms of Spider Veins
Common symptoms include tiredness, restlessness, burning, throbbing, tingling, or heaviness in the legs. Pain from these veins is usually relieved by elevating the legs or by wearing support hose.
In women, symptoms may be worse during certain parts of the menstrual cycle or during pregnancy. Less common is swelling, ulcers and a darkening of the skin, especially in the ankle region.