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Watch your back and shovel with care

(NC) Shoveling snow can be a pain in more ways than one. These tips from the Ontario Chiropractic Association will help to keep your back in top shape:

• Don’t let the snow pile up: If the weather report calls for several days of snow, frequent shoveling will allow you to move smaller amounts at once. It’s far less strenuous in the long run.

• Pick the right shovel: Use a lightweight pusher-type shovel. If you are using a metal one, spray it with Teflon first, so snow won’t stick to it.

• Push, don’t throw: Always push the snow to the side rather than throw it. That way you avoid lifting heavy loads, and also avoid the sudden twisting or turning movements.

• Bend your knees: As with any heavy object, you need to use the muscles in your knees, legs and arms to do the pushing and lifting, while keeping your back straight.

• Take a break: If you feel tired or short of breath, stop and take a rest. Shake out your arms and legs. Stop shoveling immediately if you feel chest pain or back pain. If you have back pain that is severe or that persists for more than a day after shoveling, see a chiropractor for help from a specialist trained in this field. If you have chest pain that is severe, see a doctor immediately.
